Enter values in this section to identify the type, equipment characteristics, and rated efficiency of service hot water system present in the building.

Use the green ‘Add Hot Water System’ button to add entries for as many service hot water systems as are present in the building, and the space functions that they serve.  Select N/A for any fields where inputs do not apply or are unknown.

Enter shared Service Hot Water systems in NYC Energy Efficiency Reports

Audit Template inputs for Service Hot Water System:

Select the system type, location, year installed, fuel source and efficiency information from the drop down menu of options. The tank insulation thickness and insulation R-value fields are not ASHRAE level 2 inputs, but may be entered if values are available. Tank insulation input fields will be hidden if direct or indirect fired – instantaneous hot water system types are selected.

If a Heating Plant serves the Hot Water System, select Plant as the System Type.  The remaining input fields will be hidden, with the exception of New York Energy Efficiency Reports, which will display a Heating Plant pull-down menu to select and associate a Heating Plant that was created in the HVAC section. New York Energy Efficiency Reports also have a list of Controls inputs that may be selected. 

Identify the space functions served for each of the Hot Water System Types entered by selecting the blue Add Space button. Select from the use types that were previously identified in the Use Types section.  Enter the percentage of the area served by the system.  Add additional spaces to account for all of the use types served for each service hot water system.

View Space Function Served requirements for service hot water systems in NYC Energy Efficiency Reports, DC BEPS Energy Audit Reports, San Francisco, and Berkeley Reports.

DC BEPS Energy Audit Report Water Heater Configuration Type field is displayed.  Drop down menu options include: Central, Each unit/floor, Point of Use, Mixed Configuration