The Energy Savings Opportunities sections are where auditors enter and report the energy savings opportunities resulting from the energy audit. Entry is a two-step process first requiring the entry of Energy Efficiency Measures (EEM) in the Building Energy Saving Opportunities – Measure tab and then designating packages in the Building Energy Savings Opportunities-Packages. Designated packages and Retro-Commissioning (RCx) Measures will display in the Energy Savings Opportunities Summary tab. See DC BEPS Template – Energy Savings Opportunities Measures to create measures. Note that measures not entered as packages (other than RCx) will not populate in the Energy Savings Opportunity Summary or the downloadable PDF.

The Energy Savings Opportunities Summary table reports energy savings, cost savings, and incentives for EEMs, and will display calculated payback, ROI Site Energy Reduction, and Potential Penalty Avoided values for each package. More financial analysis performed on the entered data will be shown in the DC BEPS Template – Energy Savings Opportunities Summary tab.

Package Guidance

All EEMs must be assigned to a package. To create a new package, write in the Package Name, select the Recommendation Category from the drop-down menu, select first measure from drop down (the drop down is populated with Measure Identifiers from the Energy Saving Opportunities -Measures) and press the green “Add Package” button to add it to the table. Save/Refresh the table.

Use the “Assign Additional Measures to Packages” column to add EEMs to a package you already created. Select the Package and a measure to add from the drop downs and press the “Add Measure” button and Save/Refresh the table.