Enter (or edit) geometry and footprint dimensions in a New Block (or Edit Block) window for new or existing blocks.  Add additional blocks as necessary, per the block guidelines. Blocks may be placed on top of, adjacent to, or apart from each other by using the mouse and the tools available on the Block Viewing Control panel to move them around the Building Project Workspace

Note: It is recommended to use simplified geometry and to minimize the number of blocks entered. See also the note below regarding display warnings for adjacent blocks.

TSPR Inputs for Blocks

Block Name – Default text and counters are automatically added. This entry may be edited to include other descriptive or identifying text. The user-defined block names are displayed on the asset score report if an upgrade opportunity is identified for the block(s). It is recommended to name a block with a unique identifier, such as “Office Tower" or "Ground Floor Square”, rather than using a single number or letter.

Above Ground / Below Ground – Click one of the available buttons to indicate whether the block is above or below ground.

Note: Per the figures below, if more than 50% of the total wall area of a building basement is below ground, then create a separate block and select "Below Ground" for that block. If greater than 50% of the basement walls are above ground, then select "Above Ground".



Number of Floors – Enter the number of floors in each block.

Avg. Floor-to-floor height – Measured in feet from the surface of the finished lower floor to the surface of the finished upper floor.

Avg. Floor-to-ceiling height – The distance between the finished floor and the ceiling. The floor-to-ceiling height entry must be equal to, or at least 1.5 feet less than, the floor-to-floor height. Enter a distance equal to the floor-to-floor height if no plenum is present.


Orientation – The orientation of the building is defined as the clockwise deviation (in degrees) of the main entrance wall from north (at 0 degrees). For example, if the main entrance wall is facing northeast, its orientation is 45 degrees from north.

Block Shape – Select a shape for your block by clicking on one of the five available footprint icons: Rectangular, H-Shaped, L-Shaped, T-Shaped, U-Shaped

Use a combination of the above footprint shapes to approximate the footprint shape of your building.

Enter the external dimensions of the block. The tool will automatically calculate the Total Block Floor Area (square feet) for the block. The tool will also calculate and use the Gross Floor Area – the total floor area of all blocks of a building – for model simulations.

Note: Block heights of adjacent blocks must be greater than 12 inches, and the distance between non adjacent blocks must be greater than 12 inches, or the tool will display red warning lines (see the figures below).  Adjust the building height or the distance between blocks if these lines are present, or the building may not successfully score. 
