Contacts for one or more of the following contact types may be requested for the audit report you are submitting:

  • Submitter* 
  • Licensed Professional
  • Auditor*
  • Building Owner**
  • Property Manager
  • Building Operator

Select the blue edit button from the right of the contact type header, and select a contact from a drop down list of previously entered contacts on the ‘Manage My Contacts’ page.  

Note:  in some cases, one individual may have multiple contact roles and may be selected for more than one contact type. 

If a contact type is required, but contact information is not available or does not apply for the audit report, you may create and select a contact with ‘n/a’ entered in the Name field, and include a note of explanation in the Additional Comments field. 

*The name and contact information of the auditor or individual submitting an audit report is required for most city reports.  The individual listed here may be contacted with regard to questions or requests for additional documentation, if necessary.

**The building owner is also required for most city reports.  The selected contact may be an individual or organization.  Berkeley and San Francisco reports require a Building Owner Representative Type to be selected from a drop down menu which allows for the selection of ‘individual’ or an organization type.  For other reports, if the listed building owner is an individual that is not associated with an organization, list ‘individual’ in the Company Name or Organization field of the contact.  


Some city reports require a Certificate entry as proof of qualification for some of the contact types listed.  To enter, select the blue ‘Add a Certificate’ button; select the Type of Certification from the drop down menu; and enter the Certification Number and Expiration Date if known.  Note: the date entered must be on or after the date of entry into the tool.

San Francisco and Berkeley reports:  additional certificates may be required if minimum qualifications are not met to demonstrate compliance.   For example, enter two certificates if the auditor has less than 2 years’ experience performing energy efficiency audits or commissioning of existing buildings. 

New York City Energy Efficiency Reports: qualifications for those conducting the audit are included in the Rule for Local Law 87, 1 RCNY §103-07, paragraph (c). Though these qualifications are necessary for the actual audit, the Audit Reporting Tool does not have to be completed by the Energy Auditor.

Washington, DC BEPS Energy Audit Reports: Audits must be conducted by a professional who possesses one of the licenses, credentials, or certifications listed in 20 DCMR 3519.6(a)(2) and who is in good standing with the licensing, credentialing, or certifying entity at the time that the energy use audit is conducted. The BEPS Compliance and Enforcement Guidebook lists all credentials accepted by DOEE. A copy of the auditor's certificate must be uploaded with the report if it is the auditor's first time reporting to DC. Once on record, certificate uploads are only required when auditor is issued a new credential or expiration date.

Additional auditor credentials 

Berkeley, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York Energy Efficiency Reports require the years of experience of the auditor, and Atlanta reports require the years of experience of the licensed professional who completed the audit.

Additional Comments

Include any additional auditor or contact details that you would like to convey to city officials.