A yellow Warnings button will appear on the asset score toolbar if there are data entry items that may need to be addressed before scoring a building. Select to view.


Common Warnings include:

The reported floor area and the summed area of blocks are significantly different – This warning will appear if the difference between the Total Floor Area entered when adding a new building, and the calculated value based on the geometry dimensions entered when creating building blocks is greater than 10 percent. The reported floor area and the summed area of the blocks are not required to be the same, however the tool uses the calculated value for scoring, and this warning is a courtesy notice that may help avoid confusion when viewing the asset score report

The following assets are unused – If required components have been created but not assigned to a block, this warning will be accompanied by a yellow warning symbol on the toolbar icon of the associated component section.  Else, this warning is a courtesy notice that there may be some components that may have been intended to be assigned to a block.  Review as necessary before submitting your building for a score.

The following blocks have no cooling/heating system assigned – A building may be scored without a Cooling Type or a Heating Type selected for an assigned HVAC system, however if either of these components were inadvertently unassigned, a higher than expected score may result.  Review as necessary before submitting your building for a score.