The energy asset score report is composed of the following four sections:


  1. Asset Score
  2. Upgrade Opportunities
  3. Structure and Systems
  4. Building Assets


A sample energy asset score report and the energy asset score report guide is available to view  and/or download to help interpret the results of your score.


Section 1: Asset Score


The score page(s) of the energy asset score report displays basic building information, current and potential  Asset Scores, standard operating assumptions, estimated source EUI, and site and source EUIs by fuel type.


Building information – The building information includes the building name as entered into  the tool; address; building use type (displayed as "Mixed-Use" if more than one use type has been entered); gross  floor area entered by the user; year built; the date the building was scored; and a building ID# generated by the  tool.


Asset Score – The energy asset score is displayed as a numerical value in boxes and on a  shaded gradient graphical scale represents a building's efficiency. Two sets of scores and are presented on the  same asset score scale, based on standard operating assumptions for the building type(s):


Current Score – An adjusted building EUI applied to a fixed 10-point scale. A Source EUI value is  obtained by performing a whole-building energy simulation using the Asset Scoring Tool. The modeled source EUI is  then adjusted to account for local climate and building type, and the adjusted EUI is compared to a fixed scale to  obtain an asset score of 1 to 10. An asset score of 10 represents an ultra-efficient building; a score of 1  represents a very inefficient building.


Potential Score – An estimated score that may be achieved after recommended efficiency upgrades  identified by the Asset Scoring Tool are made. A building's upgrade potential is affected by its structure type,  existing system types, and available fuel types.


Estimated savings are also displayed that reflect the reduction in source energy that would result from  undertaking all of the efficiency improvements identified on the Upgrade Opportunities page (see below). Actual  savings will depend on a variety of factors including actual operating conditions.


Building Use Types – For mixed-use buildings, the current and potential scores for the  entire building are displayed on the first page, and the gross floor area of each use type of your building is  listed here. Each use type has a separate Score page included after the full building Score page. Scores for  mixed-use buildings are created using a weighted average of the scores for the individual use types based on  square footage.


Standard Occupancy and Operating Conditions – Standard assumptions about the number of  occupants, hours of operation, temperature setpoints, and electric plug loads, applied by the tool based on  building type, and defined in the Operational and Equipment Sizing Assumptions, are listed  here.


Estimated Source Energy Use – Source EUI values in kBtu/ft2 for the building as  entered by the user, and for the upgraded building as calculated by the tool are listed here. Source energy use is  the total amount of raw fuel that is required to operate a building, including all generation, transmission, and  delivery losses.


Energy Use Intensity by Fuel Type – Site energy use and source energy use values by fuel  type in kBtu/ft2 are displayed in a bar graph. The Asset Score Report provides estimated EUI both in  terms of source and site energy; however, the score is based on source EUI. It is important to note that the  estimated site EUI is unlikely to correspond to your building's actual energy usage given that the Asset Scoring  Tool applies standard assumptions about operations and weather, not actual operational and weather data.


Section 2: Upgrade Opportunities


Based on the building information entered, the Asset Scoring Tool identifies potential opportunities for improving HVAC equipment, envelope, glazing, and lighting. High-level recommendations and general energy savings and cost ranges are provided.  

Energy Savings

The energy savings range (High – Medium – Low) reflects the expected incremental savings for the overall building associated with the specific efficiency upgrade opportunity assuming all other recommended upgrades have already been implemented. This assumption is made to avoid double counting of savings. The ranges reflect site energy savings and are based on standard operating assumptions, unless actual operating conditions are provided by the user.


Costs are shown as a range ($ = low cost, $$ = medium cost, $$$ = high cost), and are based on Advanced Energy Retrofit Guide and RS Means. The costs are replacement costs, not incremental costs, and do not include local incentives.

Note:  the recommendations provided are not intended to replace a detailed engineering analysis or to determine decisions to purchase specific equipment or materials. Rather, the list of recommendations can serve as a starting point to help users recognize the types of projects that may enhance building energy performance.


View the Asset Score Building Upgrade Guide for a complete list of available suggested energy improvement recommendations.


Section 3: Structure and Systems


The Asset Score Report provides system evaluations for the lighting, whole building envelope and HVAC system (including roofs, walls, windows, floors, and HVAC systems), and HVAC distribution systems (air handlers and zone equipment). Each system is ranked as "Fair", "Good", or "Superior" based on a comparison of the energy modeling results and national average energy costs. This information can help owners and operators identify the specific components of the building most in need of attention.


Note:  a notice will be included that indicates whether the system evaluation is based on a verified TSPR or not.


View the energy asset score report guide for additional  details.


Section 4: Building Assets


A list of the building asset data inputs that have been entered into the model by the user, or inferred by the  model, and used to score the building are displayed in a "building systems characteristics" summary as a  reference.