New York City Energy Efficiency Report entries into the Audit Reporting Tool must be grouped and entered as properties according to their Borough, Block, and Lot number (BBL) as defined below: 

Property Name – The property name will act as an identifier that will appear on other pages in your project, and on the title page of the audit report. The name should help identify the property, and may be the name of a single building, building complex, or group of buildings.

Borough – The name of the borough in which the property is located. Pull down menu selections below include the available boroughs along with their associated numerical designation that will appear in the borough-block-lot number:

  1. Manhattan
  2. Bronx
  3. Brooklyn
  4. Queens
  5. Staten Island

Tax Block – Sub-division of the borough on which real properties are located, displayed as a number up to 5 digits.

Tax Lot – Subdivision of a Tax Block and represents the property unique location, displayed by a number up to 5 digits.

BBL – The borough-block-lot identifier consists of a number up to 10 digits, where the first 1 digit number represents the borough, the following five numbers represent the tax block, and the last four digits are the tax lot number.  The BBL number will automatically appear on the Audit Details screen and on the title page of the audit report.

Once the BBL fields have been entered, click the green "Create BBL" button to continue to the Audit Template data entry screens.

Buildings must be added to a Property according to their Building Information Number.  Select the Building Information Numbers link and the blue Add Building button to create a building audit report entry for all buildings in the BBL for the property entered in the Audit Template.

Note that individual building audit reports are submitted as separate standalone documents.  Multiple building audit report entries associated with a particular BBL are not combined into a single report for submission. 

Buildings may be deleted from the My Buildings page by selecting the Options gear icon link from the Options column and then 'Delete'.  Deleted buildings will no longer be associated with the entered BBL and will not appear on the BBL Property screen.

Exporting Audit Reports to BuildingSync XML

Building audit reports that have been entered or are in progress for all buildings in a BBL may be exported to a BuildingSync® XML file by selecting the yellow Download button and selecting XML (In-Progress) from this screen.