Imported energy, renewable energy produced on-site, and exported energy values are used to determine a Building and Site energy use intensity (EUI).  The table displayed in this section automatically calculates and displays these values as well as the Building Name, Gross Conditioned Square Feet, and Site ECI (energy cost index), based on previously entered values, and data from the Annual Energy Use and Energy Cost, Annual Summary for On-Site Renewable Energy Production, and Annual Summary for Exported Energy tables.

The description and image below from ASHRAE SPC 211 illustrates how imported and exported energy is used for calculating building and site EUI.

Building EUI may be calculated as the sum of the imported energy (metered plus delivered) plus the on-site renewable energy production, minus the exported energy, minus the net increase in stored imported energy for a building.

Site EUI may be calculated as the sum of the imported energy (metered plus delivered), minus the exported energy, minus the net increase in stored imported energy for a site.

Site ECI is displayed as $/ft2/yr, and may be calculated as the sum of the metered cost, plus the delivered cost, minus the exported cost, divided by the Gross Floor Area of the building site.