The Asset Score Preview feature in Asset Score was retired on December 21, 2021. You may still generate an energy model, score, and get recommendations for your building using Asset Score in full report mode or you may use DOE’s BETTER tool ( to get a preliminary estimate of the size and make-up of potential energy efficiency projects based on monthly utility data.

While useful for getting a preliminary asset score and recommendations with a minimal number of inputs, some parameters that are not required for Preview but are for a full Asset Score report were shown to have a large effect on the score and therefore the uncertainty from a Preview score could be significant. For this reason, Asset Score Preview was retired, however we encourage users to use Asset Score in full report mode in its place for a more robust energy model, asset score and upgrade opportunity identification.

You may still be able to view and download your Preview reports or convert them to full Asset Score reports, but you will no longer be able to score them in Asset Score Preview or create new Preview buildings. You may convert your Preview buildings to Full report mode by using the 'Switch to Full Version' button which is available when editing a Preview building.

Please contact us by creating a support ticket via the Asset Score Help Desk if you have any questions or concerns: