The Quick Building Assessment Tool in an embedded module in the Asset Score with the capability to identify energy improvement opportunities, estimate savings for energy efficiency measures, and communicate their associated health and safety benefits.

Program Contact Information:

Contact [email protected] if you have questions about the U.S. Department of Energy’s Grants for Energy Improvements at Public School Facilities program.

Getting Started:

Step 1: Select the Quick Building Assessment Tool button.  See the green button available from the homepage -- the main Buildings page on the Asset Score tool tab. 

Step 2: Input basic building information. Complete the form by providing building details for the listed inputs and then select the green Create Building button to create a representation of a school building with typical characteristics, based on the specified Year Completed and Location

Step 3: Prepare Submission and select measures. Click the green Prepare Submission button, as found on the right side of the building project workspace toolbar to submit the building model for a simulation to generate a QBAT report that identifies energy efficiency measures for energy improvement opportunities in the building and expected savings. Upon doing so, a system notice should appear indicating that your building has been submitted, and that you should receive an email notification when your analysis is ready. You will then be returned to the main Buildings page which should list the newly created building entry with a status of 'Running.'

Step 4: Download QBAT report and ECM Cost Spreadsheet. Once a simulation is complete, the Status of your building that is available on the My Buildings table will be listed as 'Rated,' indicating that the building has been analyzed and is available for review. Click the building link to view a summary page that includes an asset score scale graphic and the input parameters of your building. Select the yellow Download icon, and select 'Download Report' to view and/or download the QBAT PDF report. Select the yellow ECM Cost Estimates (XLSX) button to download an Energy Conservation Measure (ECM) Cost Spreadsheet (see below) which may be used to quantify implementation costs for the energy efficiency measures identified in the QBAT PDF report.

Step 5: Generate Energy Conservation Measure (ECM) Cost Estimations. Open the ECM Cost Estimates spreadsheet and enter building parameters and ECMs found in the QBAT report to view cost estimates for ECM, miscellaneous and aggregated total cost estimates. See the Instructions tab of the spreadsheet for specific guidance.