Enter values to identify building space types impacting energy use (e.g., offices, conference rooms, assembly areas, data centers, laboratories, food service), their floor area and occupancy details. Available use types correspond to the property types in Energy Star Portfolio Manager, found here:
Create entries for all of the property use types contained in the building and the associated gross floor area and operational details of the space. Select the ‘Add Use Type’ button to begin and to add additional entries.
Entries may include space functions and/or building area types. Use the drop down menus to select existing and original intended use types.
Gross Floor Area: Enter the gross floor area of the selected use type. The percentage of total area of the use type in relation to the Gross Floor Area of the building will be displayed on the Use Type summary screen. E.g.:
Note: Parking garages and surface parking are not required for audit reporting and do not need to be included as one of the Use Types entered for a building. Should you choose to add a Parking Use Type, do not include the gross floor area in the rest of the building’s gross floor area. This approach follows guidance provided by Portfolio Manager in the following documents:
Percentage of Space Conditioned: Enter the percentage of the space that is conditioned. A conditioned space is defined as a space provided with a heat supply capable of maintaining an air temperature of 50°F (10°C) or higher inside a building space, or provided with a cooling supply capable of maintaining an air temperature of 86°F (30°C) or lower inside a building space.
Occupants and Use: Enter estimated numbers of occupants and personal computers/laptops that regularly use the selected space, and the hours and weeks that the selected space is used.
Elevators and Operations: If elevators and/or operations inputs have been added in the Operations section, return to this screen and select these entries from the pull down menus to associate with the selected Use Type.
Plug Loads: Enter a value for the approximate plug loads for each space. This field should include a sum of the miscellaneous electric loads resulting from electric devices not responsible for space heating, cooling, lighting, and water heating. Examples include computers, printers, copiers, desk lighting, vending machines, and refrigerators.
Dwelling Units: If Multifamily Housing is selected as the Use Type, fields for the number of dwelling units and the percentage of dwelling units currently occupied will be available.
DC BEPS Energy Audit Report: Affordable Multifamily Housing field is displayed if Multifamily Housing is selected as the Use Type. If the building is Affordable Multifamily Housing, select "Yes" and enter the % of total units qualifying as affordable housing. Affordable Multifamily Housing are buildings that are primarily residential, contain 5 or more dwelling units , and: (1) in which use restrictions or other covenants require that at least 50% of all of the building's dwelling units are occupied by households that have household incomes of less than or equal to 80% of the area median income; or (2) the building owner can demonstrate that at least 50% of the dwelling units rent at levels that are affordable to households with incomes less than or equal to 80% of the area median income. (DC Code § 8–1772.21(k)).
Principal HVAC Type: Select an HVAC Type from the list of common HVAC systems that most closely resembles the system serving the greatest percentage of floor area for this Use Type.
Principal Lighting Type: Select Lighting Type from the list of common lighting fixture types that most closely resembles the lighting serving the greatest percentage of floor area for this Use Type.
When including inputs for a Parking Use Type that is unconditioned, add an HVAC system with ‘No Heating’ and ‘No Cooling’ as the Heating and Cooling Source, and select this system from the Principal HVAC drop down field in the Use Types section.
Common and Tenant Area: A percentage of common and tenant areas must also be entered for New York City Energy Efficiency Reports, DC BEPS Energy Audit Reports, San Francisco and Berkeley Reports.