City officials responsible for reviewing audit reports submitted to the cities associated with selected Report Types may be granted City Access to the Building Energy Asset Score tool. City Access users may access all submissions for buildings submitted to their city in a dashboard view, by selecting from the Cities drop down list available from the main menu bar.

The City Dashboard will display a table of submitted buildings that will include the submission ID; building ID, name, and address; submitted date; name of the user who submitted the building; user entered comments, and report status.

Report submissions are automatically identified as Received under the Status column, and may be identified as In Review, Rejected, or Complies for record keeping purposes by selecting from the 3 menu items available by selecting the Options 'gear' icon.

Links to download audit reports in csv, xlsx, pdf, and xml file formats are also available from the Options menu.

Note that the XLSX file format is a new (2022) feature which includes all of the inputs that have been entered into a report.  The file contains formatted and grouped row headings for ease of viewing.  The 'New CSV' report file format contains the same columns and inputs as the XLSX file but without formatting.  This is in contrast to the old 'CSV' file which included limits to the amount of lighting fixtures, HVAC systems, and energy efficiency measures and packages that could be displayed. Presently the New CSV and XLSX files are only available to download for individual building audit report submissions. 

The pdf file naming convention for downloaded audit reports are as follows:

  • New York Energy Efficiency Reports:   BBL-EER- LL87EATool-Version#  (e.g. 1-1013-12_A_LL87EATool_6_report.pdf)
  • All other city reports:  Building_ID-Version#  (e.g. building_36_1_report.pdf)

Audit report files may be downloaded in zip files for multiple report submissions by selecting from the two drop down menu options available when selecting the blue Download All button:

  • Download Compliant Reports:  Select this option to download csv and pdf reports for any buildings with the ‘Complies’ button selected.
  • Download Submitted Reports:  Select this option to download csv and pdf reports for every building submitted.

Note: downloaded csv reports for multiple buildings will appear on separate rows of a single csv file available in the zip file. Additional file attachments submitted by users will appear in subfolders of the zip file for each submitted building. 

Open a Submission History page to view a history of all submissions for a building by selecting the Submission History link from the Options drop down menu. Select one ore more check boxes and the blue With Selection button to download report files for one or more submissions for a building.

City Access users may request to have email notification for building submissions.  Buildings submitted will generate an email containing the audit report name and ID, and a link to open the building in the City Submission page in the Asset Score tool.

If you are an official in a city interested in obtaining City Access or adding a report for audit reporting, contact the site administrator at [email protected]